Solidarity with Women and Girls in Distress (SWAGID) is an indigenous women-led grassroot organization founded in the year 2014 by Pokot and Turkana Pastoralist indigenous women displaced from their pastoral lands due to cross-border ethnic conflicts exacerbated by 2007-2008 post-election violence and cattle rustling.
SWAGID mobilizes, influences and promotes the participation of indigenous pastoralists’ women and girls in peace building, governance and security. Our work is anchored on five pillars, Pastoralist women’s rights advocacy, empowerment and indigenous girl’s education support and mentorship. SWAGID develops projects for Indigenous …
Women and girls are the most vulnerable group in conflict as they have the lowest level of self-protection and often raped during raids and displaced
SWAGID works to transform pastoralist women into peace ambassadors in line with UN security council resolution 1325.
SWAGID is imploring Bee keeping as a climate just income generating activity alternative for the West Pokot and Turkana pastoralist women
SWAGID has mentored over 50 girls who are student leaders in 5 selected secondary schools in West-Pokot and Turkana communities with leadership skills.
Pokot-Turkana Women's Leadership Movement(POTUWOLEM).. formed with 11 Women grassroot organizations
The Global Gender Gap Report 2020 ranks Kenya 109 out of the 153 countries globally with 0.671 significant inequalities between males and females in leadership, participation in decision making, peace, representation and participation in governance. Moreover, economic and political injustices meted on women pastoral communities along West-Pokot and Turkana counties due to long standing historical injustices has exacerbated armed conflict, insecurity, poverty and marginalization of pastoral ethnic minority women and girls, despite the new 2010 constitution which entrenches gender equality and rights of women in leadership and participation in decision making both at local and national levels.
To fight against oppressive laws, policies and deep seated discrimination in development and exclusion from leadership of the indigenous pastoralist women.
Solidarity with Women and Girls in Distress (SWAGID) is an indigenous women-led grassroot organization founded in the year 2014 by Pokot and Turkana Pastoralist indigenous women displaced from their pastoral lands due to cross-border ethnic conflicts exacerbated by 2007-2008 post-election violence and cattle rustling
P.O BOX 383-30600, Kapenguria, Kenya
Tel: +254 102 889 455