Pastoralist women’s Leadership and rights advocacy

Mary who is a pastoral woman says “Leadership is for the rich men and I can’t dare to compete with men. They love to fight and ignore us women”.

Women and girls are the most vulnerable group in conflict as they have the lowest level of self-protection and often raped during raids and displaced. The elders (Emuron) are mainly men and they are the ones who make most of the decisions for the community. In the two counties, women constitute slightly over half of the total population and form a critical portion of enhancing democratization of political system and decision making in the country. However, available data indicates that they are inadequately represented. So far: A record 100 women aspirants were trained on leadership, effective campaign strategies, key factors in elective processes, preparing for party nominations and general election, skills for women in political leadership and negotiation. Leadership positions included: County Assembly Political seats, council of elders, peace committees, county sectoral committees

Peacebuilding and security

Livestock raiding has also emerged as a specific form of violence against women, well regulated, well-adapted, and a powerful political weapon. Fought with modern weaponry and often extreme violence, used to safeguard an ethnically homogeneous political electoral base. Cultural position of women has made them spectators in peace building as they rarely participate due to busy home chores. SWAGID  works  to transform pastoralist  women into peace ambassadors in line with UN security council resolution 1325.

Pastoralist Women’s economic empowerment

West Pokot and Turkana pastoral communities derive their survival from natural resources – pasture, water, natural vegetation and livestock. However, the growing limited access to these resources particularly grazing land and water has put them under intense pressure and across the border particularly the agro and pastoral zones, they are fighting for their survival.

SWAGID is imploring Bee keeping as a climate just  income generating activity alternative  for the West Pokot and Turkana pastoralist women

Pastoralist girl’s education support and mentorship

SWAGID has mentored over   50 girls who are student leaders in 5 selected secondary schools in West-Pokot and Turkana  communities with leadership skills.

Pastoralist Women Movement

Pokot-Turkana Women’s Leadership Movement(POTUWOLEM).. formed with 11 Women grassroot organizations.

Be Updated

Solidarity with Women and Girls in Distress (SWAGID) is an indigenous women-led grassroot organization founded in the year 2014 by Pokot and Turkana Pastoralist indigenous women displaced from their pastoral lands due to cross-border ethnic conflicts exacerbated by 2007-2008 post-election violence and cattle rustling


P.O BOX 383-30600, Kapenguria, Kenya
EMAIL: info@swagid.org
EMAIL: solidaritywg@gmail.com
Tel: +254 102 889 455